Angelia Vernon Menchan, Serialist...

Angelia Vernon Menchan is an avid serial writer. Her goal is to engage readers in ongoing stories filled with people like them, who they can grow to know. Some will inspire love and devotion, others rage and ridicule, perhaps. They will all inspire feelings and generate conversation!


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

IT AIN'T LOVE I WANT... Coming Friday, July 24th...

Scene One 2005


His eyes sucked her in the moment she walked into the room. She was taller than average with above average looks. Her hair was a nice mixture of Africa and Asia, flowing around her shoulders, her skin was so damn sweet looking, he wanted to lick her and her body was flawless. Her breasts were abundant but not over large, her waist nicely indented and her ass and hips were rounded and high.

Damn, I want her but she is hella young. He thought.

The anonymous man was checking for Zaria but she had already decided he was going to get her virginity that night. There was something about the way he stood, checking out the room and when his eyes feasted on her, she knew. Not only that but he was the perfect physical type for her, he was dark with ebony eyes, tall and muscular but not overtly and she could tell from his large hands and the print in his jeans he was hung and she wanted hung. Her sex life had been restricted to pleasing herself but she had seen enough pictures to know what she craved.

Zaria graduated high school two years earlier and was in her second year of college and her grades and academic life was on point. She simply waited to turn eighteen to get her freak on, she did not want anyone getting in trouble for her and her mother would have certainly yelled foul if she had sex with an older man before coming of age.

The thumping music made her go to the dance floor alone and start dancing sensually. Closing her eyes she gave into the music. She felt him walk close to her and start dancing. For several songs they danced in sync until the music slowed and he pulled her up against his hard body. Slowly, she opened her eyes and saw him looking down at her. She felt his hardness on her leg and moisture pooled in her thong.

I am Gerard. This is my club. He said in a deep, voice.

I am Zaria and I like your club, thanks for opening it. As they spoke, she gyrated her pelvis against him and felt him get harder and harder. He groaned slightly.

Zaria, you are asking for trouble, dancing against me like that.

I want trouble Gerard. I came here looking for it. Her words shot through him.

How old are you? He asked.

I am in my second year of college, so you do the math. She knew he would assume she was twenty and that was fine. She did not want to scare him off by saying she was eighteen. How old are you, sexy club owner?

I am thirty, I just turned thirty and you are the sexiest woman I ever saw. Come to my office.

He stopped dancing and walked to the back of the club and she followed him. He made a point of locking the door, watching her to see if she would get nervous. She did not, her eyes followed him and she was cucumber cool.

I want you Zaria and you have made it clear you want me.  I am not going to have you in my club because I want you naked and open for me and this is not the place. I live in the Loft at 12476 Elmhurst. Show up there at two a.m. and we can finish what your ass started.

Not saying a word, she walked close to him and took his hand, placing it inside her thong, allowing him to feel her wetness and the prominence of her XOXOXO. Closing his eyes, he had to grit his teeth. She stepped back and walked from the room, disappearing in the night.

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